Monday, July 9, 2012

West "By God" Virginia People

Good afternoon from the jumpseat.  In my travels around this great country spreading the #hoarding message  I often encounter people who know little about my home state.  The comments range from: is that near Richmond to isn't Charleston near the ocean (referring to Charleston SC). Many not knowing that we are a state and not part of Virginia. Once past the discovering where my home state is the discussion often goes to the hillbilly jokes. So you get the point.

I must say one thing about my home state, WV people are the nicest folks on earth!  Yelp, I said it, they truly know how to look after each other, even complete strangers.  What WV lacks in numbers we make up for in quality.  The quality of our residents is second to none.  Recent storms that hit the east coast hard served as a prime example of what WV is all about! 

Here is a awesome blog from the Pittsburgh-Post Gazette on a story of how a mayor of Fayettville opened his house to help some complete strangers!  I am very proud to say that I live in West "By God" Virginia. 

Be safe everyone ....

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