Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Great video of initial attack with a rescue!

What a great video from the San Bernardino City Fire department.  I would like to share my view of this learning video.  The first impression of this video is the outstanding job by the first due officer in communication and control of the scene.  His command and size up are SPOT ON! Since this is views from the jumpseat let's look at the backwards rider in this video.  SPOT ON again!  He was off the truck, hose stretched, PPE on, and waiting for his leader at the door. 

He did not go in until his officer was with him and directed him in.  This can be difficult for us all to remember especially when we have a confirmed rescue.  This is a great lesson for us, the firefighters, on how we should be ready, self sufficient while stretching, and under the direction of a leader before entry.  We are the followers, we wait on the leaders to direct us. 

We can facilitate this role by having riding assignments or listening to our leaders for there orders before the alarm sounds.  We can also learn our role by spending many hours on the drill field learning what they expect from us!  

Thanks to the San Bernardino Fire Department for posting this video.  I pray for the victim of this fire whatever the outcome may have been.  I truly believe they did a great job to provide a chance for survival.  

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Never Again! - Charleston Fire and WCHS-Tv push to save Lives

Never Again! - West Virginia's Eyewitness News

To the loyal readers of views from the jumpseat, it is time to take action.  Wchstv and the Charleston Fire Department are making a push to prevent any future tragedy like the one that happened last weekend.  Let's all join together to support the "NEVER AGAIN" campaign to insure that everyone has working smoke detectors in their homes.  Smoke detectors save doubt...

Follow the link above and donate to the cause.  Public safety is our number one job, time to go back to work!!!! Ever penny will help save lives!!!

Thank You,

Monday, March 26, 2012

Stock Footage - Charleston, WV Interstate 64 Crash Video

Sometimes it truly is amazing that in today's world that everything that you do WILL be videotaped.  Stumbled on this video on youtube.  Who would have thought someone was videotaping from this angle.  Always keep in mind that on your next run chances are that you WILL be videotaped.